Friday, April 25, 2008

"Pooh, pooh in the potty!!"

I'm sure you’re all just dying to know how potty training at the Todd's house is going. The puppy is all trained and now takes himself out. He really had very few accidents and caught on quickly.

I really wasn’t having much luck with Ashlyn. I was starting to get frustrated and think maybe she is too young. Or more likely, I had no idea what I was doing.

Then tonight Ashlyn brought me her potty and wanted me to read her books while she sat on it. A few pages into the book she went pee right in her potty! I was so excited! Adam and I made a big deal out of it giving her lots of hugs and kisses. Then she waved "bye-bye" to her pee as we flushed it down the “big potty”. About 15 minutes later she asked to sit on her potty again and she promptly went poop! Hurray! She was so proud of herself and we were proud of her too!

I can only hope this is the beginning of her being "trained". Enjoy the photo of her first successful poop in the potty. (We blurred the evidence for your viewing pleasure.)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Potty Training

Last week I decided to potty train Ashlyn and the puppy. I now know this was one of the worse idea’s I’ve ever had. But regardless, the puppy is doing very well and I think he will officially be declared “trained” by the end of this week.

As for Ashlyn…she is taking a bit longer. I’m using what I like to call the “birthday suit” approach (my own personal method). I don’t think I’m going to be writing any books on potty training, or at least none that will sell. One of the main reasons I was inspired to potty train her was the cost of diapers here ($50 a box!) Yet so far the money I’ve saved in using diapers, I’ve certainly made up for in paper towels. Luckily the only flooring in Nicaragua is tile and cement, so cleaning up is a breeze.

I think Ashlyn is really enjoying all of this. She likes running around in her birthday suit and sitting on her potty while I read books to her. She also enjoys announcing to me she has gone “pee-pee!”
But as for actual potty training success I am seeing very little results. However, she does let me know now when she has gone even when she has her diaper on. I figure that’s some progress, at least she’s aware of the fact she’s going.
I think if I could get her to actually go on the potty a couple times she would get it. However no matter how long I have her sitting on the potty, she goes after she gets off and no matter how long I follow her around with the potty in hand, she goes as soon as I turn my back!

So if anyone has amazing potty training solutions, let me know! I’m open to suggestions! My goal is to have her trained by time the baby comes…but I am thinking that may not happen!

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Addition

When we first moved here Adam brought home a German Shepherd puppy who we named "Rio". He was a great watch dog and buddy to Sawyer. But we soon discovered he had a genetic disorder called "megaesophagus". This is when the dog's esophagus is enlarged and they are unable to swallow food and water properly. The condition grows worse with age and there's nothing that could be done to fix it.
Knowing this we have been searching for a "replacement puppy" since Christmas. We were having a hard time finding one. Then last week we walked into a pet store and there was the irresistible face of a Golden!
So…we would like to introduce "Miles" our new Golden Retriever puppy! He is a cute little fur ball and so far has been a good little boy. He enjoys taking naps under our bed, pestering Sawyer (our 2 year old Golden), and chewing on his toys.

Rio was put down and laid to rest at camp, which was of course sad. But I am glad it is all over with and we are very happy with our new puppy!