Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh how my belly grows.

Some of you have asked if I am starting to "look" pregnant yet. I would say the answer to that question is a definite yes! I am in my 26th week; so I'm just starting my last trimester. Baby Todd #2 is very active and everything has been going great!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Some Pic's of Ashlyn

Ashlyn now has four front teeth; two on the top and two on the bottom. Her top two just came in this last week and boy are they big! Adam keeps teasing me about how she obviously got my "big front teeth genes". But she is just as cute as ever!

Ashlyn loves to help me bake. She's not the most precise measurer, or best mixer. But she defiantly enjoys herself and tries very hard to imitate what I'm doing and help out.

Ashlyn loves to play “dress up”! She drapes anything she can find around her neck, loves wearing glasses, thinks plastic pen cases are hats and the dirty laundry basket has become her personal costume wardrobe. Not to mention she has a minor obsession with shoes. She loves wearing them and makes sure Adam and I both have ours on too!

Ashlyn really enjoys having the dogs around. She helps me feed them in the morning and thinks it is the funniest thing to feed poor Sawyer one bite at a time. She also tries to dress them up by putting glasses or her backpack on them. She even throws the ball for them (it only goes a few feet, but they like it). When we come home she always smiles at them and says "hi dog!"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mystery Solved

A common complaint I hear from Americans living here is having an infestation of mice & rats in their house. I always just shrugged and I said we’ve never seen any in our house. I figured this must be due to the friendly neighborhood cat who climbs in our windows at night leaving dirty paw prints everywhere (so much for our amazing guard dogs).

But last night I found baby snake number two in our house. This time he/she was in our bedroom all the way at the back of our house. We showed our landlord the snake and he said it was a harmless snake that feasts on rats and mice! He said we obviously have a mama snake hanging around, most likely living under our house. No wonder we don’t have any rats in our house, they never make it that far!
Adam inspected the area where I found the snake and sure enough. Behind the door was a little hole in the floor just the right size for a baby snake to crawl through.
So today we are going to search the house for "snake holes" to fill in. Our landlord is also bringing someone to clear our backyard, getting rid of any dead leaves and weeds. I personally liked the weeds; they are pretty vines with flowers. But I guess Nicaraguan's have bare, dirt yards for a reason.

Our snake family is doing a wonderful job of keeping the rats and mice away. I’d rather have harmless snakes hanging around then to kill them off and have poisonous ones take up residency. But hopefully that will be the last snake we find in our home.