Friday, November 27, 2009

Pay Back!

Some of you might remember last Thanksgiving’s blog about Adam getting food poisoning and me, (his loving wife) driving him two hours to a Thanksgiving party he could not partake in.
Well this thanksgiving Adam managed to stay away from salmonella filled eggs and we made it to the Thanksgiving party healthy and ready to stuff ourselves full of turkey. The meal was wonderful and we had a great time. When we arrived home it was late and we all went straight to bed.
About an hour later I woke up with the worse heartburn I have ever had. I only get heartburn when I am pregnant and usually it is rather mild. However this felt like my insides were on fire and made me feel horribly nauseated. I woke Adam up because I felt so sick and had no idea what to do for heartburn. He jumped out of bed and left to try and find a pharmacy still open that sold anti-acids. He returned a while later with some chalky white tablets. But as soon as he handed them to me I was off and running for the bathroom and up came my Thanksgiving dinner!
I could not help but think of how last year it was Adam with his head in a toilet. I also thought about how he had just jumped out of bed in the middle of the night with no complaint to help me in contrast to my compassion (or lack thereof) when he was sick last Thanksgiving. What can I say? He’s my better half and I am thankful for him. ;)
Next Thanksgiving our goal is for everyone in the family to eat and keep down a Thanksgiving dinner!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New House!

As most of you know we have moved to the town of Granada. After a month of searching for the "perfect place" we finally found it! So far we love living in our new home and enjoying being in Granada very much. This town has a community of fellow missionaries, a bilingual church we like and a cafe full of yummy treats that I love. ;)
Our favorite thing about the new house is the pool, our girls are having lots of fun playing and it is so refreshing!
Here are some pic's of our new place:

The Entry Way The kitchen
The pool, our "happy place".
Ashlyn & Sydnie "helping" me plant flowers.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm Back!

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last blogged! As most of you know we went back home to Maine for Christmas. We ended up spending almost two months visiting friends, raising support and getting the paper work we needed to complete our residencies and of course we had a lot of fun too! It was great to be in Maine but it was really good to come back to our “home” here in Nica.

Since being back we have been very busy with mission teams coming down to camp and getting settled back in. 

The girls are doing great; Ashlyn is talking like crazy and even starting to speak some Spanish! Sydnie is sitting up, crawling and even starting to pull herself up on things. 

Just wanted to give a quick update to let everyone know we are still alive and doing well! 

                                                        Sydnie - 8 months
Do you think I could have bought a smaller kiddie pool?!