Sunday, July 27, 2008

Guard Dogs??

It has finally happened…we were robbed! After living here almost a year we were starting to think maybe we were invincible…but I guess not!
Adam had just bought an extra propane tank for our stove and put it on our back porch. A few weeks ago we noticed the tank had mysteriously disappeared! After further survey of the yard we saw limbs on one of the bushes bordering our wall were snapped like someone had jumped down on them. We called our landlord and he said it did look like someone had jumped over our wall. He notified the police and had razor wire installed around the front of our wall. It doesn’t look very welcoming; hopefully the burglars will agree.

A special thanks to our vicious guard dogs! I’m sure they greeted them with wagging tails and happily showed them around the yard.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two weeks!

Sydnie is now two and a half weeks old! I am surprised at how easily she is fitting into our family. I thought having two would be a lot harder (and it certainly has its challenges) but having two is less of an adjustment than our first was. I guess we know what we're doing this time around!
Ashlyn seems to be adjusting fine and is enjoying her little sister. She really likes holding her, giving her kisses and bringing her toys. Poor Sydnie has had quite a few toys shoved in her face!
Adam has been taking Ashlyn to camp and out on errands when he is able to. This is a huge help to me; having to taking care of just Sydnie is like a mini vacation and Ashlyn loves going with her “Daddie”.

I have been able to get Sydnie on a good schedule during the day and I'm still working out the “kinks” in her night time schedule to maximize my sleep (and her's of course)!
Sydnie's day consist of sleeping, eating, diaper changes and making lots of funny faces. I have been trying to get some good pictures of her but it has been a serious challenge. She is a little wiggle worm and most of them are blurry or she's cross-eyed. I guess she's not the most photogenic baby ever! But here's a few I came up with:

Sydnie has to wear her "mitts" because she can get a little crazy with her finger nails. She looks like a boxer...or Michael Jackson.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Duck Tape

Lately Ashlyn has been pulling her diaper off during naps and at night. This leaves quite the mess for me to clean up. She has been told many times in many different ways not to touch her diaper. She doesn't seem to what are great parents like us to do?? Duck tape her diaper on of course! No more washing sheets everyday; that diaper is going to stay on!

First Outing

Yesterday we went on our first outing with Sydnie to Managua. Sydnie and I both had doctor’s appointments which went fine. Sydnie has gained a few ounces and is up to 6 pounds 13 ounces!
After that we headed over to the American Embassy to get Sydnie registered as an American citizen.
We were waiting in a small room set up much like a BMV would be where you get a number and wait until they call you up to one of the windows.
Ashlyn was being a really good girl playing quietly and Sydnie was sound asleep in my arms. It was one of those moments where you know the situation could become a nightmare quickly with two little ones and you’re thanking the good Lord they are both happy!

Eventually Sydnie woke up and promptly went number two; it was quite the explosion. I informed Adam that I was taking Sydnie and Ashlyn to the bathroom for a diaper change (he was filling out all the paperwork).
As soon as I closed the door of that bathroom it was instant chaos.
Ashlyn asked for some paper towels to play with so I gave her a few and then turned around to change Sydnie. When I laid Sydnie down she started screaming, LOUD. I don’t think she’s ever cried that loud for a diaper change; she was angry! After a few moments of trying to clean her up I turned around to check on Ashlyn. She had lifted the toilet seat up and was dipping the paper towels in the toilet! Gross! I left Sydnie screaming away on the changing table to stop Ashlyn’s “fun”. Then I turned my attention back to Sydnie who of course was still screaming. I managed to finally get her all cleaned up despite her flailing arms and legs.
In the mean time Ashlyn had discovered the toilet paper dispenser and was pulling toilet paper out and then running to the sink and throwing it in there (not sure why, but it was better than the toilet!) All this running back and forth she was doing was setting off the automatic flush sensor on the toilet. So about every thirty seconds she would sprint by and the toilet would flush.

At that point I thought “oh my word, everyone can hear this, I need to get out of here.” So I turned my attention once again to diapering Sydnie. Unfortunately she decided she needed to go pee before I got another diaper on. With amazing skill I somehow managed to keep her outfit dry. After cleaning up that mess I finally was able to get a diaper on my screaming baby and lifted her up to console her. As soon as I lifted her up and gave her a pat she promptly spit up on me; I guess that was her problem!
Meanwhile Ashlyn was still running around setting off the toilet and collecting toilet paper which she was now using to wipe the drain on the floor. I grabbed everything up and got Ashlyn under control only to hear a knock at the door and Adam’s voice asking “Is everything ok??” I opened the door and Adam looked at me like “what on earth…?” He whispered “Everyone is staring! What is going on?” I tried to explain the insanity that had just taken place to him.
As I walked out everyone in the room was indeed staring at me. I tried to smile confidently like nothing had happened but I really can’t imagine what it sounded like to them.
As soon as we left the bathroom all was well. Sydnie never cried again and Ashlyn went back to playing quietly. It was like the bathroom was a warp world of insanity; needless to say I did not enter it again!
Other than my 10 minutes of embarrassing chaos, the rest of the day went really great and it was fun to get out!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Baby Girl!

We are happy to announce the arrival of Sydnie Ella Todd! She was born on Sunday, June 29th weighing 6 pounds, 6 ounces and 19 inches long.

My labor started Sunday morning when I realized I had sprung a leak! Adam and I decided to head for Managua in hopes that contractions would start soon. We arrived there around noon and decided to go out to eat and enjoy the day. So we ate, watched a movie, did laps around the mall and then we watched another movie! By the end of the second movie my leak had become a major one but still no contractions. We did have a great day though, it was kind-a like a final date before baby number two!
After the movie we headed over to our friends house where we would spend the night. Adam called the doctor to let him know I still wasn't having contractions. The doctor said if I wasn't in labor by morning he was going to have to induce. I really didn't want to be induced, so we started praying. About 5 minutes after our "Amen" my water broke and I mean it popped! I have never felt anything so weird; it was honestly like a mini explosion inside of me. Then the contractions finally started! After about an hour of contractions Adam realized they were getting really close together fast, so he packed me up and got me in the truck. By time we reached the hospital I was starting to push. Adam said he left to go park the truck and when he came in it was chaos. The doctor was shouting at the nurses and the poor nurses were flustered and didn't know what to do about me. They just kept trying to get me to change into one of their hospital gowns. Which I politely refused, I was a little busy. ;)

After transferring me onto three different beds and two different rooms they finally got me where I needed to be; the delivery room! Most of it was a blur to me; I was in my own little world. However I do remember wondering if anyone was going to catch the baby because I could feel her coming!
Once the doctor was ready Adam got me sitting up and after a few good pushes out came Sydnie! She had the cord wrapped around her neck which the doctor quickly removed and then she gave some good wails! It all went very fast, less than two hours from the time contractions started she was in my arms.

So far everything has been going well. I am recovering fast and feel pretty good! Ashlyn is a little emotional with all the change but she really likes the "baby". We are loving having another little newborn around, you forget how tiny and precious they are!
Thank you to everyone for the prayers, diapers, presents, emails and phone calls! They have been a blessing...especially the diapers. ;)
And a special thank you to my dear husband! He did a great job translating during my labor and making sure everything was done how I wanted it. He has been helping cook, clean and taking Ashlyn on all his errands. He is a wonderful husband to me and father to both our little girls!

My last hour of being pregnant.
Sydnie Ella; obviously a little annoyed by the whole birth process.

Ashlyn holding her little sister.