Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Thanksgiving to Remember

Thanksgiving morning Adam decided to make himself some scrambled eggs for breakfast. When he went to crack the eggs he noticed there was a hole in one but figured he must have done it when he had grabbed them. About an hour later the eggs came back up and Adam had a classic case of salmonella! Nicaraguans do not refrigerate their eggs so they sit out in 90 degree weather until they are finally bought and I’ve found quite a few that are cracked since we’ve been here.

Our plan for Thanksgiving was to drive to Managua (the capital) and go to a party there some friends were having. We were going to spend the night since it’s a two hour drive and the party started in the evening. But by three o’clock in the afternoon Adam was still throwing up and feeling horrible. However I was determined to eat some turkey so I made a bed in the back of our truck for Adam to lay in, packed the girls in and off to Managua we went. I had to stop once to let Adam out so he could throw up and it was just a miserable ride for him. You might be wondering why on earth I did not just stay home and let poor Adam rest, my excuse is that I had actually gotten food poisoning a few weeks ago and felt better the next day so I assumed he was going to start feeling better in no time. Also I had not left our little town in weeks because Adam had been busy at camp and I was going a little insane being here. Knowing we were going to get out and celebrate Thanksgiving was what had kept me going for the last two weeks! I wasn’t about to give that up. 

We ended up arriving at the party late (Adam really slowed me down ;) but I did manage to get some turkey and stuffing. I had a fun time talking and Ashlyn loved playing with the kids there, I walked in holding Sydnie but after that I didn’t see her the whole time. She was passed around from person to person and I enjoyed having my hands free. We ended up spending two nights there since Adam was still so sick. Thirty hours later and still throwing up he got a shot for vomiting and nausea which made him feel better. In hindsight I should not have taken Adam, but Ashlyn and I did have a really fun time and I’m glad I went. 


Anonymous said...

hahaha! You are hilarious Rachel. What you will do for food, even at the sake of your poor husband, you rock! Everytime i read a post of yours i miss you a bit more...
and guess what? I AM pregnant! #3 on the way!!!!

LOve you friend!

Unknown said...

Wretched! Glad you and the girls had fun though! I hope Adam's birthday was better!!

Anonymous said...

elo rach post more! need to know you are still alive and the eggs didn't kill you !

Anonymous said...

Ha! that's funny, you were a woman on a mission. I'm glad you enjoyed your turkey and stuffing! That's good stuff...hope adam's ok now, tho.