Friday, May 23, 2008

Golden Girls

I pretty sure 98% of the population in Nicaragua owns a flock of chickens. Adam and I were the odd man out…until now. I’d like to introduce Blanche and Rose our two “Golden Girls.”
We finally gave in to getting chickens for three reasons. First I discovered they don’t need a rooster in order to lay eggs. I am not a big fan of roosters, mainly because of how loud they are. Our neighbor’s roosters start crowing at 3 am and don’t stop until around 7 am. I’d go crazy having one right outside my window crowing away.
Second, they eat bugs which include ticks! My theory about our tick infestation is our yard was the only chicken free yard within miles. It was like a tick sanctuary, no wonder they took over!
The final reason is the obvious one; fresh eggs to eat! Blanche and Rose will start laying eggs in a few months and then we shall feast. It will be a really small feast with only two chickens but that’s ok. ;)

So far we’ve really enjoyed having them. They are fun to watch peck away at the ground and Ashlyn loves feeding them. They’ve even made a friend from the neighbor’s flock who flies over the wall to visit them a few times a day (although I’m starting to think she’s coming for the free food).
Blanche is the lighter one and Rose is the darker one.

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