Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rain, rain and more rain!

The beginning of this month officially started the "rainy season". Yet there was practically no rain to be seen; it was hot, humid and dusty. In fact it was the hottest, most humid and dusty it has been since we moved here.
Then this week the heavens have opened! The heat has vanished to a refreshing 70 and 80 degrees, the humidity has been replaced by rain and the dust has turned to mud.
It has rained everyday this week and yesterday it started raining around 4 pm and has not stopped. It rained all night, all morning and now its 1 pm and still going strong. Our dust bowl of a yard has become a lush, green swamp! The dogs are on the back porch huddled in a dry corner and chickens are on the porch front porch doing the same. I venture out occasionally with my giant squeegee to push the water back from seeping under the doors.

Everything is wet and muddy but its kind-a fun. Who wouldn't enjoy slipping around on their porch trying to squeegee around chickens? I also love the sound of the rain; it's relaxing and so much cooler!

Our very wet yard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when we were in Paraguay it rained alot and more than once I had to call Michael home to help stop the water from flooding our kitchen. Looking back it was so much fun! I miss it!
I love you Miss Rachel. Where are the pics of your growing belly?