Thursday, June 19, 2008

Busy Summer!

The first week in June my parents and younger brother came to visit. We took them on a whirlwind tour of Nicaragua seeing volcano’s, markets, the ocean and of course camp and where we live. It was really fun to have them down and to be able to show them what we do here. My parents stayed for only a few days but my younger brother has been here for two weeks. It has been so much fun to have him here. He is great with Ashlyn; she just loves him and follows him around everywhere. He has also been a wonderful help around the house; mopping, taking out the trash, helping with supper. I will miss his help and just having him around.

After my brother flies out this Saturday we have a few days to leave the country and re-new our visas. Then my cousin, Camille flies in on the 26th to help me out when the baby comes. I am so glad she is coming. Adam and I have been trying to figure out who will watch Ashlyn when I go to the hospital and who will help me keep the house clean ect...after the baby is born. Camille not only volunteered to come down but raised the money to do so! We feel very blessed to have her come and help.

This is the first summer camp will be running kid camps all summer long! A team from Chop Point came down June 4th and they are camps all through the end of July. Then we have mission teams coming from different churches in the US the whole month of August! Needless to say Adam has been very busy!

Some other “events” this summer are...Baby Todd # 2 is due July 5th; only 15 more days to go! Adam and I will celebrate our fifth year wedding anniversary on July 12th and I celebrated my 27th birthday on June eighth.

Me on my b-day!

My brother playing with a crazy monkey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you look really skinny...I guess it's probably hard to keep the weight on when you live in an oven. I love you! i miss you!