Saturday, October 20, 2007


In Nicaragua most lower class families get around on horse carts, bicycles, or just by good-old walking. Many people are not use to traveling on buses, trains, cars etc. Because of this and the roads being rather bumpy, when they do get in a vehicle they often get a little motion sick.

That being said...I would like to announce that our truck has officially been christened…twice. I’m not sure why they don’t mention they are feeling sick so we can pull over. But just rolling down the window and sticking their head out seems to be the preferred choice. Needless to say, it gets on the outside of the vehicle. Right now our truck has throw-up down the side of it. Yuck!
I’m just glad they have such a good sense of humor about it. They really don’t seem to mind too much at all!
I will refrain from adding a photo to this blog. :)

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